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Say Bye-Bye to Belly Fat

Are you missing those dresses that don’t fit you anymore because of the belly fat that you have gained by sitting at home? Do you get pissed off or disappointed when you look at your old pictures of those times when you were flat, flexible and fit? Well, guess what, still you have time to say goodbye to all that bellyfat and say hello to a flat belly. And for this, you don’t have to take any pills or go on for dieting. All you have to do is a bit of exercise and put full stops on oily and junk food at times. Yes, not all the time, obviously we are human beings and we do crave for chocolates, pizzas,etc,you can have that twice ina month but don’t make it your habit.

Personal Trainer Auckland

And along with this bit exercise is also very crucial. If you ask any doctors or your personal fitness trainer, they will also suggest you the same. There are heaps of people who take pills or go on dieting but this is not the permanent solution rather this will make you weak from inside. So why not try something that will give long term benefit and also make us fit not only from outside but from inside as well. In this article, we will be telling you about a few exercises that will help you in burning belly fat.

Exercise for Burning Belly fat 

Lying Leg Raises: This exercise will target your lower abs, upper abs, glutes, hamstrings,and quads. This is very easy to do without any equipments. If you do this exercise regularly, you are likely to prevent back injuries and back pain. But in this, back muscles are not involved however this exercise will support your back and improves your flexibility. Besides, make sure while performing this exercise do not place your feet completely on the floor or push your hips with your hands to lift your legs. If you have a doubt doing alone, contact your trainers if you have or search in Google for Personal Trainer West Auckland, they will guide you properly.

Personal Trainer Auckland
Crunches: If you wish to have great abs and core then this exercise is for you. Doing crunches will help you in reducing abdominal muscle. This is just a core working exercise and burns fewer calories however they move in a controlled manner releasing the core muscles thus helping to build the abs. Besides, while doing this make sure, do not tuck your chin in. If you are still confused watch the video of personal fitness trainers you’ll get an idea.
Personal Trainer Auckland Central
Mountain Climber: This is very effective in burning belly fat. Doing this exercise will charge up your heart and breathing rates as your body has to work so as to provide your working tissues with oxygen and fuel. Such type of stress not only develops your cardiovascular system but also burning calories to support fat loss efforts.
Personal Trainer Auckland Central
Thus, these are just a few simple basic exercises that you can perform at home however if you want professional workout then it's advised to hire personal fitness trainers as they will guide and support you step by step. For instance, (Manik Kumar) is a highly trained and certified fitness trainer. Having years of experience as a certified personal trainer, he believes in offering workouts and routines that are exacting and bring great long-term results. His main agenda as a gym trainer is, as always his client's overall well-being. And the best thing is his personal training packages are very cost-effective. So book him now and get free consultation.


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